Language Asset Management

Native streamlines your localization processes with efficient, transparent and optimized language asset management.

Asset Management is not just Content Management

Dealing with large stacks of data and endless assets in localization requires some sort of a housekeeping procedure – that is where language asset management comes in. We’re not just talking about Content Management, language asset management goes well beyond that. Carrying on the idea that localization is an increasingly technical discipline that strives to align with software development processes, taking care of your assets is very important.

What Language Asset Management Involves

Language asset management involves gathering, maintaining and processing the data that localization efforts bring in. In addition to translation memory management, terminology management and legacy translation management, we are making sure that historical data on content use analytics are stored as well. That allows us to pinpoint the times where localization efforts have resonated and made a difference.

The Hidden Value

Having an organized language asset management system is a great way to make informed decisions when developing further. In addition to cost saving, these processes ensure consistency across platforms and makes sure the messaging is aligned between different markets and throughout the organization.

We cover the full range of language asset management, including:


We are highly skilled in the language of globalization, with a deep understanding of the complexities of language, culture, and logistics.

Language asset management is the process of managing translation memories, glossaries, and other language assets.

It helps to streamline the translation and localization process, improve consistency and accuracy, and increase efficiency.

AI can be used in language asset management to assist with translation memory maintenance, cleaning of duplicates, consistency and accuracy checks. This helps to reduce manual effort and increase efficiency.

In-country experts provide insights into local language and culture to ensure accuracy and cultural sensitivity in localization and can assist with terminology management and glossary creation.